
About us

Brand Story

Sawolol is a smart audio brand that specialized in audio technology to create a trendy fashion audio electronic products with added value to consumer electronic market, Sawolol is one brand from Jaskey Limited who is a design, development, manufacture company with 16 years experience in electronic business. Sawolol focused on bringing joy through audio technology with a purpose, Sawolol develops smart audio to enhance your music lifestyle with a design touch...

Sawolol Press and Media Enquiries

  • Sawolol Press and Media Enquiries

    Want to talk about Sawolol?
    Whether it's online,in print,on your blog,or on social media,we'd like to make things as easy as possible for you.
    Need some content?
    Searching for a press release?Looking for product images and details?Need a sample for review?Have an exciting opportunity for us to collaborate with yourself or your brand? Please visit the simple form on this page or send the mail to us via info@sawolol.com , our customer service team will provide you with support.

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